Saturday, July 9, 2016

Base to Operational Unit

The MHG Commanding Officer led an MHG-wide formation run before his Change of Command.
It was a sight to see.
Just one of the differences between Base and Operational commands.

Civil War History Lesson

As someone from the capital of the Confederacy, I biked over to Sturgeon City Park.

It is the sight of the LT (USN) Cushing's landing against the Confederates on the gunboad, the USS Ellis.

New command, new sign on the door

While visiting The MET in NYC, I came across a shield taken into battle in 176-/1770, in France.

I sort of want to put this on the front of my office door with a sign that reads, "Chaplain's game face before going to MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) class."

Hello, Camp Lejeune

I have never been to Camp Lejeune and had/have no expectations.

However, I have been welcomed with such overwhelming excitement, the only thing I can do is match it!

And I have never been greeted with such joy that I speak Hebrew! And that's what happens when you are in a room full of linguists.
Their first question: What language do you plan on learning next?

Hello Radio Bn!

Hello Intel Bn!

Farewell Okinawa

It has been a true blessing to have such a wonderful first tour.

Thank you to the Jewish community for being so amazing.

Raising the bar so high that no-one will be able to match it - Col Lee and Futenma Air Station!

Pre-PCS vacation - Cambodia

Before leaving the region, I took advantage of my excess of leave days and went to Cambodia.

I got to visit the National Museum, national parks, and climb all over national treasures that are thousands of years old. I even got to reenact a little "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider."

National Museum

 National Museum Grounds

Phnom Pehn - We did not realize that it was New Year's Eve

Lawn Clock in Phnom Phen

Angkor Wat at sunrise

Banteay Srey

Bayon (Angkor Thom)