Saturday, October 29, 2016

Golf Tournament Invocation

Of course I give invocations at chili cook-offs, golf tournaments...

Almighty God,

We spend our days fighting to protect this nation from our enemies.

Today, we will putt and drive our way across the battlefield of green!  

Lord, bless our game with humor and birdies, friendship and eagles!

And may the best player win!


Pizza In The Hut

I could not resist doing a “pizza in the hut” event during Sukkot.

Of course, we ate pizza and played board games. 

Rosh HaShannah gifts

Though Camp Lejeune is not as remote as other stations, it is a little “out of the way.”

So when a Bar Mitzvah boy at the Schechter Day School in Rockland County wanted to send care packages to Jewish service members for Rosh HaShannah (Jewish New Years, happy 5777), I jumped at the chance to participate.

My Marines were so appreciative. Sometimes, even though we are not half way around the world, it feels as if we are. This little touch of home made such a difference. 

Jewish Wings

While in the Jewish Fellowship hall across from the Levy Chapel, a midshipman pointed out to me a set of Jewish wings. 

If given the chance to go to Jump School, I wonder if I can get that insignia authorized, rather than wear the regular wings….

Mentor's Retirement

A mentor of mine retired after 30 years as a Jewish chaplain for the Navy. 

I was privileged to be present for it as it was held at the Uriah P. Levy Chapel at the Naval Academy.

I hope I can be half the chaplain he was.

Semper Fidelis, Sir. 

Chili Cook-Off Invocation

Almighty God,

When anyone questions Your existence, Lord, I say 1 word – CHILI!

God, it is with the wisdom You instilled in us, that we could come up with such a culinary delight!

Heavenly creator – the order of the ingredients, the heat, the unnumbered variations – we know all of those gifts come from You!

Thank you for this joyous celebration of the marrying of meat and vegetables.

As You have taught us, “Gather the pieces of meat into it, every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder.” (Ez 24:4)

Thank You, Lord, for this opportunity to come together as family, partaking of Your gifts, and spending time with those important to us.


NCO Mess Nght Invocation

Let us pray.

Creator of all,

We stand here, before you, proud to be taking part in our time-honored tradition.

Thank you for the gift of the mess night – the partaking in the grog, of building camaraderie and joining in fellowship with our brothers and sisters of our beloved Marine Corps.

Remind us, Lord, that with the joy tonight brings, comes responsibility – that no matter where we are and what we are doing – we are United States Marines!


The Battle of Vicksburg

Praetorian vs Samurai

One of the joys of PCSing, is meeting new people who feel like old friends.

Having a doc who understands me so quickly and becomes a good friend so fast, makes leaving Okinawa just a little easier.

And of course, I am friends with a Praetorian, even though I am a samurai!

History was never my strong suite, nor something I was passionate about until I joined the military.
It is hard not to study and debate history when you are living it day-to-day.

While visiting a friend in Mississippi, we went to Vicksburg and toured the battle ground.
From a military standpoint, and to understand it without modern weapons and technology, makes the victory that much more impressive.

I appreciated walking the footsteps of the militia, looking at the terrain and imagining fighting in that heat and humidity.

 It must have taken the kind of motivation and dedication that cannot be taught; a belief in the cause for which you fight. It was inspirin

U.S.S. Cairo

D.C. as a service member

I was visiting DC this past summer and I finally toured the National Mall. For the first time, I stopped at each of the war memorials.

I was stationed in Okinawa. My grandfather fought in the Philippines during the Pacific campaign of World War II.

Walking these sacred sites means so much more now that I share the uniform with those captured in sculptures or their names engraved on the wall.

I stand in awe of those who came before me, upon whose shoulders all service members stand.

And I pray for the day when no more memorials need be built. 

Vietnam Memorial 

Korean War Memorial

World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial - Pacific 

Finding Home

As this is my first PCS (duty station to duty station), I did not truly feel anchored here until I was standing outside the MEF headquarters building and saw Old Glory in all her glory.

The breeze was perfect as she waved.

Long may she wave.