Sunday, December 8, 2013

Chaplain Corps Ball

This past Thursday was the Chaplains Corps Ball.

I got to be a sideboy, a member of the cake detail and gave the first toast.

A Sideboy is member of a group of seamen that are posted like a gauntlet on either side of the red carpet, as an honor guard for ceremonies on or off the ship. We are the ones that salute as the captain and/or dignitaries come aboard.

Cake detail are four people who escort the cake into the ceremony. As you can see from the pictures of the Marine Corps Ball, the cake is important and those entrusted to escort the cake in and out can't mess up.

Ice sculpture with the Chaplain Corps symbol on it.

Me with LT Gen Clark (the only other Navy female chaplain on Island), who is rocking the tiara in her dinner mess dress.

Chaplain School Class B12010 reunion! Me with LT Steve Hervey.

Me with RADM Kibbon, the Deputy Chief of Chaplains. Oo-Rah!

Me with Tammy, the CO's amazing secretary.

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