Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Knowing that I am doing my job

I was driving home from work one day and was stopped because of traffic and I was not paying attention to the on-coming traffic that was moving.
The next thing I hear is "RAH MA'AM!" Surprising me from my daze.

It was one of my Marines who recognized my car or me and wanted to send me a greeting as they drove past!

I could not see who it was but I smiled, laughed and yelled out, "RAH MARINE!"

RAH = a shortened version of OO-RAH or EHR-RAH, the Marine call.

It is an answer to a question, an affirmation to a statement or instruction.

(Example: "How are you doing, Marine?" "RAH, Ma'am"!)
(Example: "Keep up the good work!" "Ehr-Rah!")

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