Thursday, July 10, 2014

Climbing Mt. Fuji

I never planned to hike Mt Fuji but then I had some time and the opportunity was right there. So I took it.
1) Trust your smart friends -. Kris took me to buy good hiking shoes and she knew what she was talking about They were worth every penny.
2) Find a mantra -.. At one point, Kris and I hiked at our own paces and didn't see each other for several hours During that time, there came a point where I needed to focus The line from a TV show came in handy and became my mantra. "See not what was or will be but focus on the task at hand." There were times when it was hard to put one foot in front of the other or to keep going after stopping to catch my breath .
3) Enjoy the beauty around you -. I did not get to the summit in time to see the sunrise but I did stop and snap some pictures, keep going, pause to take another picture and keep going I did, however, once getting to the summit, was so tired that I did not take as many pictures because I was so exhausted.

4) Enjoy the journey because you never know who you will meet -. I ran into two Marines from my BN Who knew???

Heaven, meet earth.

Me at station 8.5 - the last station before climbing the last 600 meters to the summit

Torii of the summit

Me at the summit under a torii - there is a tradition to drop a coin or stick it into the torii for good luck

H&S BN Marines and Chaplain with our walking sticks.

Kris and I, ready to head back to Okinawa, having completed this incredible journey.

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