Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Marine Corps Ball 2014 - Alpha Company

It is my honor and privilege to open up the Marine Corps Ball with the invocation.
It sets the tone, the intention for the night.
It can empower, motivate and inspire us to reach higher.

Below are the words I shared with my beloved Alpha company.


If you would join me in prayer:

Source of Strength,

You have given me the gift of a special heart - a warrior's heart.
I see danger and do not turn away.
I hear the sound of gunfire and maintain my composure.
Because you have a special place in Your heart for the devil dog.
Because my scars are sacred, earned defending the defenseless in the desert, in the water and in the air.
I heard Your call to make the world a better place, to stand up for those who can not, to bring peace where chaos rules.
I came running from hometown USA.
I left my family, friends, a different future for You.
Because Your call for freedom and justice and peace are my battle cry.
I know that You are with me every step of the way - from training, to outside the wire, to garrison to the unknown.
I know that you expect me to be my best, every minute of every day - because people rely on me and I can not let them or You down.
Thank you, God, for this heart that beats in my chest and being a part of a 239 year old tradition of honor, courage and commitment.
I am the Marine Corps.

Semper Fidelis,


me and my RPs

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