Sunday, January 25, 2015

Never Have I Ever - Harlem Globe Trotters

Once in a while, someone famous visits Okinawa.
This time, it was the Harlem Globe Trotters and I got to give the invocation for the game.

I wanted to make it funny and serious.

 Let us pray.
Heavenly father,

I committed to the Marine Corps, knowing it would take me to the ends of the earth. And I knew, because of my dedication, that the Marine Corps would take care of me.

Thank you, God, for sending the Harlem Globe Trotters to Okinawa. During this season away from loved ones, You knew I needed a unique pick-me-up.

Lord, bless the Harlem Globe Trotters with healthy knees, backs and wrists for they have a long journey ahead of them; visiting Marines, Sailors, Airmen and Soliders around the Pacific.

Please get them to each destination safely as their job of lifting the spirits of warriors everywhere is a sacred and important task.

As You have taught us through Your holy texts, “there is a season for dancing and laughing, playing cheering,” and may we see all of those here tonight.


I don't ever remember there being a female Globetrotter.

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