Saturday, April 4, 2015

USO Service Salute to Volunteers

I was honored again this year to give the invocation for the Service Salute.

07 FEB 15
Let us pray.

Source of all blessings,

We thank you for this opportunity to publicly celebrate service members who went above and beyond in support their fellow comrades and communities.

You put within us the capacity to accomplish great things.
These honorees took that to heart - turning what could have been insignificant moments into sacred ones.

They fed and sheltered other service members, cared for them simply by being present, whether it was making pancakes, or welcoming new Marines and Sailors to the island.

And just as You support us, so too are we grateful for the unending devotion of the USO staff. Their leadership, time and guidance for service members are nothing short of miraculous. They are the cornerstones upon which successful volunteers stand.

God, we ask That you Watch over the USO, its staff, Volunteers, Supporters and local Partners. We pray That you Give Them Enduring strength to Continue to travel down the sacred path of Making every Moment service members Are away from home, count.

May we continue to be blessed with Your continued presence and love through those who serve You.


Robin Miller, USO Director and myself after the ceremony.


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