Saturday, December 12, 2015

Personal Security Training

RPs have multiple facets to their jobs. One of those jobs is to be the personal protection detail for the Chaplain when in a combat zone. Below are some pictures from our training. They used live rounds and in the scenarios, used paint-ball ammunition . The simulation of the real-life exercise was an adrenaline-fueled experience that put the severity of the training into perspective.

RP2 and I before the live fire exercise

 The RPs loading their magazines

 Firing Range

Stay behind the RP as he fires his M16 and M9

Pre-scenario picture

RP2 Sims (LPO) and RP3 Kostick

Dressed for scenario

Chaplain visits site outside the wire (scenario)

IED goes off at the door (scenario part II)

RP must get chaplain to safety (scenario part III)

RP drags the chaplain to safety (scenario part IV)

Post-scenario brief

RPs !!!!

Simulation paint ball rounds still hurt

me and RP2 Sims

 Scenario from a birds-eye view

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