Sunday, July 29, 2018

Final retirement at Radio Battalion

As I come to the end of my tour at Camp Lejeune, I am doing a lot of "lasts".

This is the invocation from my last retirement at Radio Bn.

Fair Winds and Following Seas, CWO4 Tadios.


If you would join me in prayer.

Source of Peace,

For 24 years, CWO4 Tadios has led from the front. Whether for an exercise or deployment, from Korea to Hawaii, to Afganistan and at every Radio battalion – he pushed himself  - - and those around him, to be their best.

He lived by Your example, Lord, as spoken in Proverbs:

כִּי אֶת אֲשֶׁר יֶאֱהַב ה' יוֹכִיחַ וּכְאָב אֶת־בֵּן יִרְצֶה

For whom the Lord loves he corrects; like a father does with a son in whom he delights. (Prov. 3:12)

Remind us, God, to remember the lessons CWO4 Tadio has taught us, by the example he set.

May CWO4 know how deeply important his presence, mentorship and friendship meant to us.

And in his time in service, he - and his family - sacrificed the most precious thing they had - - time as a family.

Lord, bless CWO4 and his family with love  - - with the strength of the threefold cord, as You have said,

A threefold cord is not easily broken. (Ecc. 4:12)

God, help him find contentment in all that he has accomplished, and may he continue to do so as he  - - and his family write their next chapter of their journey.

Grace them with the gift of peace, for that is the greatest reward for honorable and faithful service.


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