Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2d Intel Battalion Ball Invocation

I have checked with SSgt and she said this is good enough for Intel Bn.


Let us pray.

Source of knowledge,

We all joined this Marine Corps for different reasons,
but we all answered Your call to be the driving force for peace on earth.

We use our minds and intellect to project and analyze;
Deterring our enemies;
Directing our forces to victory.  

Our weapons are our sight and knowledge,
dedication and continued evolutions of learning.

We are a non-stopping, security-protecting, constantly - surveying, troop movement-analyzing, in every corner of the earth, counter-intel to your intel, battalion.

We are the select few to be allowed to be called - 2d Intel, battalion.

Lord, whether we are at home or deployed, You have watched over us for the last 241 years.

As we come together to celebrate the birth of Your Marine Corps,
Watch over Your selected few,
as we strive to bring Your prophecy to fruition with vigor and unwavering determination.

Because You have taught us, “There is no peace, for the wicked.” (Isaiah 48:22).

Keep us safe, God, as we carry out this sacred duty.



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