Thursday, November 10, 2016

Marine Corps Birthday / Veteran's Day Benediction

Before my Marines secured for the 96, I gave them this benediction:

Source of life,

We stand on the shoulders of giants;

Those who went before us, blazing the trail of honor with their actions.

We see them, wearing their hats from wars before our time.

We forget their valorous actions, we look away, avoiding eye contact.

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, may we honor them with our words and 

May praises of thanksgiving for their service flow as easily off our lips as the greeting of the day. 

For one day, Veteran’s Day will be our day and will wish for the same courtesy’s.

May we set the example for those around us, reminding those around us that commitment to the ideals of this institution of freedom are just as powerful today as they were 241 years ago.



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