Wednesday, November 3, 2021

No fighting required.

I have been in commands where I have had to fight for everything from: 

 -an office (so I can actually do my job and counsel Sailors and Marines)

-a parking spot (because I need to run around, and cannot waste time finding a spot when there is a crisis, and because I am a department head, and thus am entitled to one like the other DHs)

 -an RP (my enlisted counterpart, a Religious Programs specialist)

-office supplies (because why should I be the only one to have to buy my own)

You name it. 

I arrive on deployment, and I am assigned an cubicle in a large work center. The guys assigned there are great, and funny. The problem is, I cannot counsel people there. Confidentiality is impossible. 

The HMCS (Senior Chief hospital Corpsman) walks in, sees my space, and was unhappy. 

I had decided I would simply counsel people ouside the building, getting coffee... somewhere else. 

She had other plans. 

Within 2 days, I had a real office with a door that closes. 

All because THEY understood the importance of what I can do. 

I did not have to fight. 

Medical fought for me. 

That is when I KNOW when the chaplain reputation - not mine - but chaplains as a whole, have done something right. 

Thank you, God, for allowing me to follow in the footsteps of those who came before me, and may I continue that legacy of service for those who come after me.  

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