Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Naturalization - updated with pictures

I am giving the invocation and benediction for the Naturalization Ceremony for all of those who joined the military and are now becoming naturalized citizens.

It has made me think about what being a citizen of the United States from birth means to me and more importantly - what do I say in such an important moment in someone else's life?

I sat with the BN ADJ, Bavarian by birth, American by choice. He spoke of his journey and he helped shape the blessings I wrote. I pray my words are a worthy offering for this ceremony. 

Let us pray.

Source of life, we ask that you bless this sacred time with your presence, as we prepare to embrace our new brothers and sisters.

We pause to reflect on how we got to this moment.

For some of us, it was at birth. For others, it was a decision and a journey and a dream.

We are humbled before You, by the commitment of those who stand here today.

Like Abraham leaving his home, God, they have walked a unique path of faith -. That the ultimate reward was worth the journey Like Abraham, they are not giving up their past or their history, for those things made them who they are - but instead, they are choosing to become something greater.

May You sanctify the oaths they take today, that the words they are going to speak, bring them blessings and joy.

Let us Pray.

We are honored to have stood with you as we watched the embodiment of what the United States stands for -. In action Opening her arms to all who dreamed of a better world. 

God, watch over our new brothers and sisters, that the devotion they found in their souls for a country and people and ideals they were not born to, let their hearts beat strong, every step in their life's adventure.

May they be the example for us, reminding us not to take our citizenship for granted, reminding us all what being an American stands for, what we fight for and ultimately what we represent in the world.

Ultimate Weaver, remind us that this country is made strong by the different strands in the tapestry that make up this great land and that each new cord adds strength and never weaken it.
To You we turn, overflowing with gratitude and love.


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