Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Supporting the USO

My first experience with the USO was on my way from Chaplain School back to seminary. I had a 6 hour wait at the airport. I had no-where to go with my bulky sea bags. And then I walked into the USO in the Columbia , SC airport.
When I first entered, I was greeted by a veteran and another volunteer, asking me what I needed, what they could get me and what this USO had to offer. 
It was a haven.

Since then, when I travel and there is a layover, I find the USO. It is my "home away from home," where I am always greeted with a kind word, sometimes a hug and love.

So it was no surprise that when I came onto active duty that I would find a way to repay the kindnesses shown me. I have partnered and continue to partner with the USO on programs and opportunities to make the lives of the marines and sailors better. The purpose of the USO and the chaplain, in my opinion, are mutual and teaming up with such amazing people is simply a bonus.

As the yearly banquet was being talked about in the office, it came as no shock to anyone that I told, not asked, that I would be doing the invocation. Who better than someone who believes in the mission of the USO more than a chaplain who volunteers and is helping to build the program on Camp Foster?

This is my invocation for this coming Saturday night's event:

Let us pray.

Source of life,
You taught us to care for the widow and the orphan and the USO took up Your call to action. From humble beginnings, the USO saw every military service member as a widow or orphan who deserved a home away from home as those in the Armed Services carried out Your mission of being pursuers of peace.

As You love all your creations, the USO loves every branch of the military and those who support them. As we find You everywhere, so too is the USO. From combat zones to airports around the world. Just as we are partners with You in shaping this world, so too does the USO partner with the local communities that host our bases. Just as we seek You for shelter, so too is the USO an eye in the storm of military life.

God, we ask that you watch over the USO, its staff, volunteers, supporters and local partners. We pray that you continue to guide them on the holy path they travel as they bring Your words to fruition.

As we Dream and work Towards a time WHEN peace reigns, so too Does the USO, this sacred Continuing Mission until everyone Comes home.  Amen.

Post Script: These are pictures from the evening:

My new challenge coin!


Susan (full time staff) and I

A part of the USO Troupe

PR from the night

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