Saturday, March 1, 2014

Earning a Challenge Coin

A challenge coin is the size of a commemorative coin that is given to an individual by a higher authority upon having gone above and beyond.

This past week, while sitting in our Force Preservation Counsel meeting (we keep apprised of marines for all sorts of reasons), the CO had a SGT come into the meeting to talk about how he took action when a junior marine in his unit started to display unusual behaviors. He got that marine help. 

For the act of taking action and possibly saving that marine's life, what in Judaism is highest Mizvah of Pikuach Nefesh - saving a life, she gave him her challenge coin.  

Below is an example of a challenge coin. I earned it coin some weeks back from the American Red Cross for my years of continued volunteerism. 


  1. Great that marine challenge coins are awarded to honour the person who gave their life in saving the life of othe rpeople.

  2. I really appreiciate your post, this would really provide the great information about Challenge Coin.

    Thanks for sharing.
