Saturday, February 22, 2014

Roller coasters

I hate roller coasters.

I do not willingly ride them. 
I also hate CODing (carrier on-board delivery - type of plane) onto a carrier. But I do it when I have to. 

This past Friday, I went from being Farklempt (choked up with emotion) out of gratitude for those communities States-side who are sending us food for Passover to sitting with a couple whose 10 day old baby had just died. The baby was 3 months early and had a 10% chance of survival. 

 While holding my emotions at bay, I sat with them, looked at the baby as the parents were saying their goodbyes to him, moved the language of the conversation to talking about the baby in the past tense and asked them what I can do for them. 

I wanted to ask them if they wanted to pray, but I think I would have started crying if I did I regret not asking (I don't want to say it, but this will help me the next time - God forbid - I have this situation again.) 

I then carried the death certificate to the office beginning the paperwork to send the couple home to bury the child states-side.

I have never loathed a piece of paper more in my life. 

But the roller coaster ride was not over.

I had my excited students in my basic Judaism class, a new member to our community attend services and oneg to get through before the roller coaster ride was over. 

And was I ever thankful the ride came to a complete stop and let me get out. Thank God for Shabbat as a time to recover and recharge.

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