Sunday, February 16, 2014

Finding Sanctuary

After a long three weeks of heavy counseling sessions, general workload, collateral duties and leading the Jewish community, I needed a place to re-center myself. A quiet place that would help me breathe and drop some of the tension that I have been carrying around with me.

In New York City, I escaped the noise and traffic and lost myself in Central Park. 

A friend introduced me to a garden off of Route 58.

Perhaps with divine intervention, my phone died and so I only got a few pictures before I stopped taking pictures and experienced the serenity surrounding me. I could have stayed there for hours.

I realized, after walking around the garden slowly and appreciating the placement of the path, the buddha, the pagodas... that my sanctuary cannot be my apartment, my office or the chapel. I need a place to commune with nature, to connect with God on a more intimate, quiet level. This is certainly a place I will return to on a more regular basis.  

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