Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Okinawa Basketball

I attended my first Ryukyu Golden Kings basketball game.
They were playing the Osaka Evessa in Naha.
Along with 29 other marines and families, we watched as our team won the game, almost blowing a 17 point lead.

We were first entertained by the middle school basketball league.

After they played, they bowed to each side of the court.

The Golden Kings came onto the scene with a laser light show and Okinawan music with a techno beat.

The Golden King with the ball had the fastest hands on the court. And he's only 5'6"!

In the background, you can see signs hanging up of the team roster. The American import, Burns #2, McHenry #5, Newton #50 and from Trinidad, Trim #54 are in English. The rest of the team are in Kanji.

I found it funny that the opposing team's jersey said "HUMAN" on the front.
Thanks for letting us know.

We joined in with raising our "GO KINGS" signs. I was a little surprised that the signs were in English. Then again, if they were in Kanji, I would not know what to do with it.

One of the best parts was that when the Golden Kings were on the offensive, one song played. When they were on the defensive, it was another song. The music NEVER stopped except when there was a foul on the court.

It was a fast-paced game, shorter quarters and overall a great day.

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