Saturday, February 22, 2014

Learning to 'Lean In'

Through my counseling these last few months, I noticed the trend of single marine parents could use a 'support network.' It is here that these parents can share their experiences and learn from each other. I have launched that support network recently and the responses were overwhelming and filled with excitement and appreciation.

And yet, I was not taking my own advice that I had created with these "lean in" groups.

In Okinawa, we are limited in what kosher for Passover (and kosher in genera) items will be coming in for the holiday. I placed the order with the commissary in September. There will be items that will not arrive that for me, are the tastes of Pesach (Passover). 

And then, I got an email from a parent of one of my marines asking me what the community can send to us in Okinawa. 

I choked up, overwhelmed with emotion. I don't like asking for help. I would rather lean away, then lean in on someone else. 

I shared my concerns about asking for too much or asking for the wrong things...I was trying to be practical. The parent's response made me cry. They WANT to help. They know it's hard to get kosher food, let alone kosher for Passover food here. "Please let us help."

So I asked for the things that will make this Pesach great, and bring a taste from home even though we are so far away.

And when I am stationed somewhere that I can easily get Kosher food, I will pay this kindness forward.

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