Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Holocaust Memorial Observed on Okinawa

Today, we observed Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Naval Hospital on Camp Foster. We had an honor guard, the laying of a memorial wreath, a poem and I gave a prayer and sang the 23rd Psalm.

Below are my words and some pictures that were taken.

Boreh Nefashot, Creator of Souls,
You told Ezekiel to prophesize over a valley of bones that they should rise from the ashes, and as he began to speak, the bones came together piece by piece, rebuilt out of the destruction and desolation that surrounded them. We did not know that the prophesy was meant for us.
When You spoke through Isaiah and said “When you pass through water, I will be with you; Through streams, they shall not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, You shall not be scorched; Through flame, it shall not burn you.  Because you are precious to me, and honored and I love you,” we did not know that we would one day take your words literally.
As you promised, we have risen up, stronger and resilient from the fires and the gas and the valley of bones and ash.
We know that it is our responsibility to never let this happen again; that when this generation of survivors dies out, that we will take up their cause - to fight the daily battles against bigotry, hatred – so that we can win the war against evil in the world.

We will speak up for the dead and the living and work to create the world as you described it, where swords are beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, where we will never know war again. Amen.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


I was invited to spend a few days of Pesach with the military Jewish community in Yokosuka, Japan. Though it was cold and rainy the entire trip, the community was warm and welcoming. It was the best feeling to share the successes of the Jewish community in Okinawa with the Jews in Yokosuka.
I learned 2 important lessons while I was there:

1) Small gestures send big messages. I did not see my visiting the Yokosuka community as a big deal. It was a quick flight, some services, some programming ... They did not agree. It was a gift they wanted and someone found a way to grant it.

2) Wherever I go, I will never be alone. There are Jews everywhere. I just have to look. And of course, set up a face book page to help us find each other. 


The Col has been joking with me for some time that once I have been in this job long enough, I will become jaded to the sob stories that come through my door.
". Serious" I admitted to her that there were plenty of marines who are whining about something or other and their issues are not However, I told her a story that surprised even her - a feat that was the highlight of my week.
The story:
A man walks down the beach, picking up starfish and throwing them back into the sea. A second man watches the first for a while before finally stopping him and asking, "what is the point?! Don't you see that the tide throws 3 starfish onto the beach for every 1 that you throw back. "
The man reaches down and picks up the starfish at his feet, throws it into the sea and says, "It matters to THIS one."
That is what drives me as I sit and listen to Marines day in and day out. It could be as simple as helping them understand that life is messy and teaching them coping skills. Others just need someone they can trust to speak to. And some have serious issues that impact their ability to function.

I felt as though the Col needed a reminder. So I gave her a starfish. And as a Marine, I knew she'd appreciate that it sits on Iwo Jima sand.

Sometimes even Colonels need reminding on how significant an otherwise insignificant act can be.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Passover Okinawa Style

Monday night, the community gathered for a communal seder. 75 people participated. Even my CO and command chaplain were there. 

The next night, I hosted a second seder, because I wanted to ask my questions.
In honor of being in Okinawa, we sat in my tatami room, on the tatami mats. 
As we follow the Israeli  holiday calender, it was already Chol HaMoed - hence the photography.

Exploring my Neighborhood - Again

I clearly don't know my own neighborhood.

Apparently, there is a dragon mall.

Okinawa English

I saw these and had to share.

First time off Island

It has been seven months and this is my first time leaving Okinawa.
I am hesitant.
This is what I have gotten used to.

Like B'samim at Havdalah that helps us deal with the loss of our second soul and saying goodbye to Shabbat, this natural beauty in the airport helped. Who can't smile when they see orchids in an airport, and lining the passageways.

Okinawa World = Williamsburg, VA

This is the third day since being on island that I do something touristy.
So a friend and I visited Okinawa World. It is the local version of Williamsburg.

We went through a set of caves, toured the "village", saw the famous Okinawa drummers and hung out with some snakes, including a Habu snake.

Shisa dog made out of potted plants
 underwater river
Don't bang your head on a stalactite (I checked. it's not a stalagmite)
 In the cave, me as a bat.
 And now I am a shisa!

 Kris and the fish that eat dead skin off your feet.
Not sure what I am.

 Outside the Habu exhibit is a very large and fluffy bat.

 Me and the snake. This is NOT a Habu. It's a harmless, but large garden snake. 
 The snake charmer. I couldn't understand a word she said except "cobra" and "habu".

 Entrance to Okinawa World