Sunday, October 26, 2014

Being A Part of Okinawan History - Tug of War

The largest Tug of War in the world happens everin Naha (on route 58)

[Thanks for the picture, Aimee.]

Everyone is invited to participate. The ceremony is meant to bring good luck to the island for the next year.

As East and West, we first work together to bring the two sides together, where a pin that weighs 365 kilos is inserted between the two.

This rope is huge! It is about 2.5 feet tall.

These gentlemen are our team leaders. They direct us and tell us when to pull. ("Roh Shoy")

Before the Tug of War begins, there is a battle of the flags. Both East and West have six.

Each side is represented by a different Ryukyu king. Notice that he is carried on a platform.

And that when he leaves, he does not turn his back on his enemy.

After 30 minutes, everyone were declared winners.

After the battle was over, everyone took pieces of the rope home as good luck.

 It is taking all of these cranes to remove the rope. 

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