Monday, July 6, 2015

CO/Chaplain team work - Cookie Drop

How do you show your Marines and Sailors that you care?

Bring them cookies and a birthday card (chaplain) on their birthday and give them a meritorious day off (CO) just because they were born.

That's what this team does to show every Marine that though they do not have blood family on the island, they have family on the island. 

Mission accomplished.

Hong Kong - Part II -Big Buddha and Path of Wisdom

You can not go to Hong Kong and not visit the giant Buddha.
It is hard NOT to be impressed. 

I high-fived Buddha.


And I stood under the tree that Siddhartha sat in order to reach enlightenment. 
Whether this is in fact his tree or not, I felt spiritually moved. 

A request, like leaving a prayer in the Western Wall.

And we walked the path of Wisdom. 
The carvings on the wooden posts are of the Heart Sutra.

 (Kris gaining wisdom.)

Hong Kong - Part I

Since I HAD 4 days off for July 4 th , I Celebrated the Independence of Our great Country by visiting Hong Kong.

I was joined by Kris and Chris (left to right).

We saw the lights of the Causeway Bay from Kowloon (Tsim Sha Tsui East Promenade).

Shavuah Tov by the way.

4th of July - Military Style

We celebrated July 4th a week Early at Kadena Air Force Base (KAB). We do that Because these types of fairs / block parties require additional personnel, it's long hours, lots of logistics and cleaning up afterward and so no-one loses their four day weekend to work the block party.

During the fireworks display, they played "I am proud to be an American," and maybe that's a military thing. I do not know. I choke up every time I am surrounded by personnel and their families as they sing along to the song.

Thank you KAB for taking care of all military personnel and their families with a great block party. 

Thank you Gavin Degraw, for putting on a solid 1½ show.

Elizabeth, Ben and I.

Shabbat Hula Dancers

During the summer, we have services on the beach as a change of pace.

Tonight, we were greeted at the beach by a bunch of hula dancers.

They will dance in the Shabbat bride much better than we can. 

Ma'ha'lo ladies!

Fini Flights

Things I have learned about the fini flight.

1) Right before they PCS, pilots take their "fini" (final) flight.  

2) In Ben's Squadron, "The Green Giants" (Air Force Search and Rescue, the 33 RD ), They Will Paint his Feet green and he'll stamp his Feet ONTO A ceiling tile That Will BE Placed back in the ceiling in the office.

3) I should not agree to go on a helicopter without at least three barf bags, Dramamine and should not eat for at least four hours prior to flying. My eyes loved the flight, my stomach did not agree.

Follow the feet to the office front door.

They let me help load the 50 cal.

Gunners at the ready.

I am smiling now. I was not smiling 30 minutes later. It was a 2 hour flight.

Futenma Flight Line Fair

Each camp / station hosts a "county fair" throughout the year. Futenma hosts the Flight Line Fair with a concert, a static display and fireworks. The chaplain's office teamed up with the USO to support all the volunteers with food, drink and a place to rest for a few minutes. We supported over 250 volunteers over the course of the two days. The teamwork between USO and chaplain's office is vital and together, we can accomplish so much more than we can on our own.

Captain Ben Botnick and I standing at his helicopter.

At the Michelle Branch concert with Elizabeth Botnick.

The Magic 10 Miler

Though the name implies it, I did not run the Magic 10 Miler. I was the American Red Cross Station at the M10M. At 4:15 in the morning, I was setting up the tent. I got to hand out water, Gatorade, oranges and bananas. I even had to do a little first aid. 400+ runners, 75+ volunteers. Great way to start my day!

400 runners -. Americans and local nationals Crash Fire Rescue vehicles created teh 

Do you see the storm trooper, Dearth Vader, the alligator and the cow?

How about now?

The third place winner was wearing a sailor outfit, like one Shirley Temple wore. There were three friends dressed up like Supergirl, pushing a carriage with a young boy dressed up like Superman.

Single Parent Marines and Sailors

I can not imagine what it is like as a single parent while on active duty in the Marines Corps or Navy. There are those for whom it is their reality. They want to give 100% to the USMC or NAVY and 100% to their children. That is simply impossible.

Then you factor in costs of living for a parent and perhaps two children on one income and being overseas.  

In my attempt to help those families, I asked for donations from the greater Camp Butler community to help. I got more clothes and toys than I know what to do with.

I got so much love and support from people that I was overwhelmed with joy that I could help out these families that may be struggling. The best part, was the Single Marine Program and USO supported by babysitting the kids. I had more Marines than children .

 I could not have done this program without RP2, Kiyoko, the USO, SMP and the Red Cross. 

(Marines helping carry bags of donations out to cars for the parents.)

Losing Marines

As a non-deployable chaplain while at H & S, I never thought about losing any Marines in combat or humanitarian missions. And yet, a helicopter went down in Nepal, carrying two Combat Camera Marines. I was their chaplain for 14 months. Their memorial was . well done and well written The hardest part, was knowing that the COMCAM Marines were working the memorial, filming and taking photos - always the professionals.

They seemed surprised to see me as I approached them after the memorial was over. All I could utter to them was, "I am so sorry," and to have them cry in my arms with them whispering their appreciation for my presence. Here I It was supposed to comfort them, and they were comforting me.

Afterwards, I spoke with an 0-6 chaplain and I conveyed my concern for my inability to hold it together while comforting the Marines. He said to me that if I lose that ability to cry and feel the emotions, then that would be the worst thing My crying gives the Marines the permission to do the same -. to grieve and to heal.

God, I hope I do not have to experience this again.

I know I might.

Give me the strength to cry and mourn and help others heal with my tears. 

New Position

As happens with chaplains, we ge
I got lucky and am now the Station Chaplain for MCAS Futenma.

The added bonus to the new job - an RP and a local national who keeps the COMRELs running smoothly.