Monday, July 6, 2015

Single Parent Marines and Sailors

I can not imagine what it is like as a single parent while on active duty in the Marines Corps or Navy. There are those for whom it is their reality. They want to give 100% to the USMC or NAVY and 100% to their children. That is simply impossible.

Then you factor in costs of living for a parent and perhaps two children on one income and being overseas.  

In my attempt to help those families, I asked for donations from the greater Camp Butler community to help. I got more clothes and toys than I know what to do with.

I got so much love and support from people that I was overwhelmed with joy that I could help out these families that may be struggling. The best part, was the Single Marine Program and USO supported by babysitting the kids. I had more Marines than children .

 I could not have done this program without RP2, Kiyoko, the USO, SMP and the Red Cross. 

(Marines helping carry bags of donations out to cars for the parents.)

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