Monday, July 6, 2015

The Magic 10 Miler

Though the name implies it, I did not run the Magic 10 Miler. I was the American Red Cross Station at the M10M. At 4:15 in the morning, I was setting up the tent. I got to hand out water, Gatorade, oranges and bananas. I even had to do a little first aid. 400+ runners, 75+ volunteers. Great way to start my day!

400 runners -. Americans and local nationals Crash Fire Rescue vehicles created teh 

Do you see the storm trooper, Dearth Vader, the alligator and the cow?

How about now?

The third place winner was wearing a sailor outfit, like one Shirley Temple wore. There were three friends dressed up like Supergirl, pushing a carriage with a young boy dressed up like Superman.

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