Sunday, October 11, 2015

9/11 Memorial Run - Part II

I have birthed two 9/11 Memorial runs since coming to Okinawa. The first was on Camp Foster with 700 participants in its first outing. This year, I was told that it increased to 850 participants. I take comfort in knowing that when I PCS from here, that program will live on.

Since I am not at Futenma, in joint cooperation with SMP, we started a memorial run the night before. With a committee of 7 and with the volunteerism of 125, most of whom ran the event as well, we had 530 people come out and participate.

A shout out to a certain Cpl who came up with the idea that we all run with an index card with five names of people who died in NY, DC or PA. With their names around our necks, we ran with purpose.

Another shout out to a LCpl who went above and beyond by getting the Crash Fire Rescue trucks to stand vigilant over us and the metaphor was not lost on the crowd.

Between the two trucks, we strung up my flag. The symbolism was not lost on me. As the run concluded, everyone was given a chem light and stood in the outline that read 9/11. The pilots flying at the time could see it from above.

Below is my benediction.

Heavenly Father,

As Marines and Sailors, we understand commitment and we have taken the time to honor the heroism of those who died in the Pentagon, New York and Pennsylvania.

We run to pay tribute to them, with their names around our necks, weighed down by their brave acts of defiance in the face of terrorism. Because their names deserve to be remembered.

We run, because we volunteered and promised to defend this country with our lives. And they did just that.

We run, guided by lights because light represents hope. These lights remind us of our responsibility to be the beacon of hope for others.

We stand together, in solidarity with the families who lost loved ones because they were our brothers and sisters too.

We stand and remember each year, because their sacrifices deserve our respect and attention because if it were us, we would want people to remember our names.

As You have taught us, "Chazak V'Ematz" be strong and of good courage.

May our actions demonstrate our commitment to Your teachings.


Most of the incredible SMP team.

CFR standing the watch over us.

At the end of the run, 

Post clean up pancake meal for the volunteers put on by the USO. 

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