Sunday, October 11, 2015


With so much going on and trying to balance squadron needs with the Jewish New Years and High Holy Days, I appreciate the Tashlich ceremony that much more.

On the Sunday in between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur, we went to Baba Park and physically shed our sins in the hopes that our actions will transcend into actual future actions.

There is no real set liturgy.

Therefore, I stood there in silence, listening to the waves. I considered my actions this past year and the things I wanted to change about me. I asked God to take this act of contrition as one coming from a place of true repentance.

I felt comforted in knowing that my community was around me. So as I was feeling vulnerable, I was not alone. 

Our timing was perfect as we left because soon after, it began to rain. My mother says that rain is always "Mazeldik" (good luck). I'll take all the signs I can get.

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