Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Okinawan 'Horah'

I have mentioned before the need for the Air Station to consistently engage in good public relations. It was no surprise then, that when I had the chance, I jumped on the chance to dance the Kachachi in the Ginowan festival.

It's the Okinawan version of the Horah, a dance performed at any celebration.

We had 3 senseis who were old enough to be my grandmothers and they moved with such grace and 

I was even more proud of my 20 Marines who volunteered to learn the dance. It took us 2 weeks but we did well.

The local newspaper ran  a small story about us.

Sgt, me and Cpl

The individual competition. 

Some of the student teams had a theme. 

BZ, Marines!

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