Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Driving on the Right side of the road

I bought a car. It’s a Mercedes Benz. Don’t get excited, it’s sort of like a CRV. With a big dent on the left side. It’s called ‘The Tomato’ because the last owner’s son named it such and I like it, so the name sticks.

Buying the car was the easy part. It’s the driving that makes me uncomfortable and I have been driving since I was 15. Here in Okinawa, we drive on the left side of the road and we drive from the right side of the car. My biggest worry is when I am making a right hand turn. I have to remember to not drive into oncoming traffic. I have been driving for about a week now and I am a less worried driver and simply more conscious.

You thought I bought the car on the left side of the picture above, didn't you.
Keep scrolling.

And that's the tomato - dent along the left side of the car and all. 

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