Monday, August 12, 2013

Chutes and Ladders

Stop me if you've heard this one before. 

So I report to Norfolk to start the process to get to Okinawa when I am told that I am not in the system. According to their records, I am still a reservist. 

An entire day later, I end up at the NOSC in Norfolk, talking to PS1 who saved the day with a 5 minute phone call to my NOSC in Orlando. 

Now, I am going back to the offices I have already been to and things are moving - until I am told that I have been separated from the NAVY - not reserve, not active duty. WHAT?????

For each step I took in this process, I felt like I was taking 15 steps back. 
This time, however, I got everything taken care of and am on my way to Okinawa. 

It was by a herculean effort by RP2 Hernandez, who was assigned to me, was amazing!! She got me to every appointment, sat with me through the chaos and laughed with me when the situation was so silly and explained to everyone what it was I was supposed to be doing, since I could not explain it myself. 

And to reward me for keeping up a good attitude, I got my ticket to Oki the next day. 
Sayonara, US of A!

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