Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Unceremoniously Significant

With everything going on, I forgot to share this story. 

In the least ceremonious way possible, I was sworn in today (June) at the Fort Lee Army Post in Richmond. 

Though a significant moment and one step closer to finding out where I will be stationed, I simply walked into MEPS where I was met by a LT (NAVY) who simply asked, "Where do I sign?" He signed on the witness line and walked away. 

I spent a second after he walked away comparing that to being sworn in at Camp Ramah nearly a year ago, surrounded by my Tzevet (staff), and 900 campers, staff and visitors.

The comparison was almost laughable.

I wish I could say that I was surprised at this momentous occasion being the most unceremonious significant and yet insignificant at the same time. I should have taken a picture, not been alone... anything to make the moment something more meaningful, but at least I get a good laugh out of it or at least a smirk with a shake of the head at the silliness that has been my journey to becoming an active duty member of the armed forces.

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