Sunday, July 28, 2013


In my preparations to go to Okinawa, I am incredibly lucky.
The same person who swore me in, who is from my neck of the world, will still be in Okinawa when I get there.
I will have a friend and mentor already there, ready to show me the ropes, talk me through it all, give me someone to lean on who knew me before we put the uniform on.

Yoni Warren and his wife, Leora have been in Okinawa for 2 years already.
They have accumulated much knowledge in that time and so for the last few weeks, I have been skyping with them to learn the ins and outs of living as an observant Jew on Okinawa.

Who is ever this lucky?? One of the best moments was Yoni telling me that we will get to chevrutah (be study partners) and we'll make a point of learning Talmud together. We left the bubble of JTS and here, we are creating our own thousands of miles away. I thank God for the path that God has set me on.  

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