Sunday, July 28, 2013

In Between

I submitted my application to be "recalled" to active duty.
This means that I go through some paperwork and hope that a board of chaplains will recommend me to the personnel committee of the Navy, who will (hopefully) approve me.

I have been accepted - to which I am eternally thankful for all those who were a part of the process.
You have made the right choice.

However, I am now in between.
There is no time-frame as to when I will be told where I am going and when I need to report to said base. It could be 3 weeks or 3 months.

I've got some free time so, I'll just go to the Submarine School in Groton, CT for the Department Head Leadership Course.

I got to spend a week hanging out with a bunch of bubble-heads. They were funny, welcoming and everything I was told they would not be. I was invited to go into the submarine trainer. Ahhh, another time gentlemen.  

Two short stories worth sharing: 

1) In one exercise, we were to map out the reporting-in process when you first arrive at a new command. As I have yet to do this, they assigned me to lead the group in this activity. WHAT??? I learned a lot though and feel more prepared for when I go to my first command and have to go through this for real.

2) I have learned that a well placed expletive is very helpful. One of the officers said something that included a curse word, looked at me, cursed again while trying to apologize. Like I haven't heard anyone curse before - ever. I laughed and gave him a colorful response. They appreciated it and we went on with business as usual.  

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