Tuesday, August 27, 2013

iPhone, your phone

In the 12 hours that I have been on the island, I have acquired two phones.
I have a work phone (dumb phone) and an iphone.
My work phone is in Japanese and French. That weird giggle you just made, I made it as well. 
Let's see if I can keep you laughing. 
In this country, it is cheaper to own an iphone than an android.  I miss my android. Badly.

So, not only do I NOT understand my work phone, but I am slowly learning how to use an iphone.  

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I was reading this post outloud to David, and though I didn't giggle, I paused after "Japanese and French" and then - I kid you not- he started giggling. So then I read the next sentence which just made both of us crack up. Anyway, thought you would appreciate. We miss you and hope you're doing well! ~Gail
