Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ethical Leadership

This week, I taught the Corporal's Course a class in Ethical Leadership.

The students defined leadership easily enough but wrestled with the definition of ethics and it's practical application.

I wanted them to understand that they will need to make decisions for the marines and sailors they lead. They will need to think about the difference between what is right and what is right.

I believe that ethical leadership is like training a muscle. You have to constantly work at, or it becomes atrophied. So too, they need to wrestle with and constantly think through their decisions using the lens of ethics so that, should  a situation arise, they will have the tools to make the ethical decision.

I thought the talk went well.

Needless to say, my joy over the class was short-lived as two students were busted for drinking the night before graduation.

You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the cpl's course...

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