Monday, November 11, 2013

Marine Corps Birthday Pageant

On Friday, we celebrated the Marine Corps 238th birthday.

We did so, with a ceremony that honored the Marine Corps' past and its future.

The JROTC dressed in the different uniforms of the MC.

And as is customary, the oldest and youngest marine get to eat cake.

As the H&S Battalion hosted this year, I got to give the invocation.

And this is what I said:

Let us pray.

Supreme Commander,

We thank You for watching over the Marine Corps, standing witness to its birth in Philadelphia 238 years ago.

In your infinite wisdom, You provided the divine inspiration to Captain Samuel Nicholas to form the continental marines to defend our freedoms and liberties in the hope of gaining our independence. You knew that we would need to continue this mission for years to come.  

We are honored that You have chosen us to be not only riflemen but responsible for so much good in the world - helping those in need, protecting the innocent and bringing hope in tumultuous times.
You have blessed our symbol, the eagle, globe and anchor, reminding us of our commitment to defend our nation—in the air, on land and at sea.

We are Your selected few, ever ready to continue our mission, as Isaiah teaches us, “until all swords are turned into plowshares and this world knows not war anymore.” (2:4) Until then, we ask that You continue to stay with us, Your hand on our backs as we endeavor to move forward.

Semper Fi!


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