Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Battle of Okinawa

In commemoration of the end of 90 days of fighting for control of Okinawa and nearly quarter of a million people who died here, we had a ceremony on 23 JUN, to honor the final day of fighting.

I went to the Peace Prayer Park down near Naha to participate in the USO sponsored event that included General Whistler, the two star general and Caroline Kennedy, the American ambassador to Japan.

I gave both the invocation and benediction.

----------Invocation -----------
Let us pray.
Source of Life,

We stand before You, ashamed. 69 years ago, we failed you. We broke Your trust in us to nurture life and cherish all Your creatures. Instead, we scarred each other, battling over this land, ruining the earth You created.

We ask, that you accept this joint commemoration as a sign of our sincerest apologies for our actions. Standing here together is a testament to how far we have come but we know there is still more damage we must repair.

May You recognize this offering as one given in true faith to continue to mend the hurts we have caused and as You have taught us, there is a time for everything under the sun and we know that now is the time to build back up.

To You we turn for strength and life,  Amen.

-----------Benediction ---------------

If you would join me in prayer,
Fountain of Strength,
We ask for Your blessing on this service, as we remembered all the fallen during the Battle of Okinawa. We ask that Your presence bring solace to all the families touched by the destruction we all caused.
We pray that You continue to give us the strength to continue to heal the wounds we inflicted upon each other. Help us to learn from our mistakes, choosing paths that resolve conflict peacefully, as is Your will.
We know that this task is great and we may not see its completion in our lifetime, but we learn from the Sages, ‘Loh Alecha Hamlacha Ligmore, V’Loh Atah Ben Chorin Lebatel Mimenah.”  
 “Though it is not your responsibility to complete the work, neither are you free from commitment to continue it.”
Give us the strength and courage to stand by these words, as ambassadors of peace and may we see a day when all swords are beaten in plowshares and this world knows not war anymore.  Amen.

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