Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Only Constancy is Change

When I chose to join the military, I knew that it meant my life would be constantly evolving.

You become attached and make deep connections and then, inevitably, you get new orders to different places (we call that PCSing =permanent change of station).

It does not hurt less that we know our friendships have a shelf life and it does not stop us for forming bonds with the people we work with.

In my short time at BN, we have had and continue to have a changeover of all top leadership positions. Losing my Bravo company commander was hard. Losing my Alpha company commander hurt just as much.
I built up a rapport with someone is important in this job and Adam and I worked well together.

I learned a great deal from Captain Disney (no relation, I asked) and grew as a chaplain because of it.

Thank you, Adam, for your time and sharing your expertise.

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