Friday, June 7, 2019

Evening Prayer: leading from behind

I had the privilege of sharing the responsibility of evening prayer with a SN (E-3) recently.

He sent me his rough draft and together, we edited it to reflect the message he wanted to share with the crew.

I have never experienced the kind of joy I felt, when I heard him give his prayer over the 1MC.
He lifted up the crew and myself.

When he was done, those on the bridge congratulated him for his inspiring words.

Immediately after, he asked to give evening prayer again and soon.

This is healthy leadership.
He was praised and I was proud - - - not defensive.
When he does well, that DOES NOT detract from me and my ministry.
Quite the opposite, it adds to it!
It is one more voice the strengthens the connection of the ship to the divine.

BZ, SN Davis.

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