Friday, June 7, 2019

Praying on the Bridgewing

I decided to go up to the bridge early and pray the evening service, welcoming in the Sabbath. That was my plan. And then, the SN on lookout started a conversation with me about religion. That's how most conversations start. They just … happen. And they happen anywhere and everywhere. Usually, it is what they don't believe or how they are no longer religious.

I think that those are the people who miss God. They miss the connection with the divine, something bigger than themselves. I want to engage with these Millenials and Gen Zs starting where they are, based on what they themselves say. I hope that they find their way – and whether it is to organized religion or not, that does not matter to me. I want them to have the tools and language to speak about their spirituality in a way that is organic to who they are right now and not where they came from.

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