Monday, January 20, 2014

Calling the Chaplain - Post Script

I do not do what I do because I expect to be praised. (Pirkei Avot 1:3 - 3. Be not like servants who minister unto their master for the sake of receiving a reward, but be like servants who serve their master not upon the condition of receiving a reward)

I overextend, I do not say "no" and I push myself just that much more because the job of a chaplain is to be there for their sailors and marines.

I did not expect to be thanked outside of a handshake and maybe some cake.

Instead, I was given this:

It now sits in my office, alongside the pictures of me with the RADM at the Chaplain's Ball, my swearing in ceremony at Camp Ramah and right above a copy of the sailor's creed.

They asked me to speak. I was so surprised that it took me a moment to come up with something meaningful to say. In the end, I told them that this is what chaplains do. We are there to take care for them and be there for them when they need us most. I also thanked them for giving me something to do while I too missed my family during the holiday season.

I am so blessed.

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