Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Finally touring Okinawa

Today was the first time I visited a part of Okinawa that is NOT a base.

Since it is a rare opportunity, I made it count.

With Elizabeth as my navigator, we went to the Pinapple Park...
(That song is stuck in my head!!)

 Below - Do you see the baby pineapple?

Pretty flowers at the Pineapple Park

Then we went to the Butterfly Garden....

(I think that the tiger butterflies ate all the other ones)

 Below - This is the only non-tiger butterfly. Somehow he escaped the slaughter!

Below - It took me a minute to realize that the flowers are fake. 

Below - Golden Cocoons. They took the cocoons and decorated a Christmas tree with them. Somehow that felt wrong. 

And for our last stop, we went to the Ryukyu Glass Blowing Factory (Nago).

Before returning to my apartment, where I made (as is a Jewish custom on Christmas Eve) Chinese food.
It even tasted like Gan Asia... maybe better.

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