Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas Day

Usually, Christmas Day is a day off for rabbis.
For me, it was a day to volunteer for the USO and open the building for our marines that are new to the island and have not gone through the required newcomer's orientation and anyone who had nothing to do on Christmas Day.

So I spent my day making pancakes, handing out pizza, shmoozing with and feeding approximately 125 marines and sailors.

I was able to give them a meaningful gift - a place to do that feels like home when you are so far away.

Thank you USO for letting me do this.
I know it meant a great deal to those marines and sailors who would have spent the entire day staring at the 4 falls of their barracks if not for this program.

(I would have supplied pictures but did not get the permission of the marines and sailors.)

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