Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Who you gonna call? The Chaplain!

What do you do when the Col asks you about your New Years Day plans for 197 new marines to the island and you have no answer?

You tell her that you'll call her right back. Then you call the chaplain to see if she will pull off a "holiday hangout" for your 197 marines in four days.

 And what do I say? Of course I can pull that off. And I'll get you a BBQ with chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs and more space than last time. And no, you don't need to do a thing.

Sgt saved my butt! He manned the grill, cooked everything and cleaned it up when he was done.

The marines asked about Scrabble the previous week, so I made sure to have it for them this time around.

LCpl Super-volunteer showed up because he wanted to. Chaplain Dawson was voluntold by his wife and thank god she did because I needed both men for this all to run smoothly.

Spontaneous football game.
I wanted to play but I was wearing crocs.

Blueberry zzzzzz x 3

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