Saturday, February 15, 2020

Port Visit: Manila

My grandfather served in the Philippines during WWII.
He was a part of the force that was present when McArthur said, "I will return."
He even chose to go AWOL to see McArthur return, rather than stay with his unit.
He got demoted and STILL got a Good Cookie (Good Conduct) medal.

Though where he was stationed was much further south of Manila, I was happy to walk the historic sites of the Intramuro and think about him.

 Entrance to the Intramuro 
(the wall that surrounded the Spanish community and local Filipino communities from the 1500s)

I am standing on a giant wall.

You can see what was rebuilt and what remains of the original walls from WWII.

The shell of the US barracks still remain. The giant holes from the munitions is obvious.

I still would not sit there if I were you.

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