Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Downside of Deployment: Missing Raf's Bar Mitzvah

While I was stationed in Okinawa, my great aunt passed away.
She was quirky and wonderful, an artist and all-around wonderful woman.
She died at 99, and I could not go to the funeral, or help my parents deal with her apartment.
I missed the unveiling of her tombstone.

I know that she would not have wanted me to "waste my time" flying to, and from NY, for her.
I have amazing memories of the year I lived with her, and up until I left for Okinawa.

My nephew's Bar Mitzvah was at the end of September.
Even if we had left on time for deployment, which we did not, I still would not have been able to get back in time.

It hurt, and I am glad I got to facetime with Raf at my port visit, prior to his Bar Mitzvah.

I am so proud of him for all his has done and all he will do.
And in honor of him, I say, "GO YANKEES!"

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