Thursday, October 21, 2021

How to Start off Your Deployment Correctly

See if you can follow this. 

Step 1: get to the airport in SD with lots of time to check in for a flight to LAX with (insert airline one name here)

Step 2: Arrive at LAX, confirm your bags will meet you at your final destination.

Step 3: Wait on line at ( insert airline 2 name here) for an hour, because they only have one person working the “help desk,” and since you are on orders, you have to check with them. international flights require that you check in early, but the line is moving as slowly as molasses.


Step 4: Arrive to Terminal B (international terminal) to get a seat assignment, only to find out, that (airline 1) did not update their manifest, so it looks like you missed your flight. (insert international airline company A) already pulled your bag, because it's ALL ONE TICKET / MISS ONE LEG, YOU MISS THE OTHER TWO LEGS OF THE TRIP, and you now need to rebook. They tell you to come back and get your bag when you rebook your flight

Step 5: Return to (airline 1) that they messed up, and tell you it's on (airline 2) they send you back to (airline #2)

Step 6: stand in line for (airline #2), and let it take over an hour and half to sort things out and get you on a new flight with (insert international airline company B here).

Step 7: return to (international airline company A) to get your bag, but there is NO ONE at their ticket counter. They will show up to assign seating at the gate… but you have to check in to YOUR international flight in time. Bag is now still with (international airline company A).

You have exactly one change of underwear, and one pair of socks. 

And some breath mints. 

This is going to be great.

Step 8: work with (international airline company B) to get trouble ticket for your baggage. There is a snowball's chance in hell that (airline A) will help and get your bag onto (airline B)'s flight.

That's right, the snowball is uncessfull, forcing you to have to wait until you land at your final destination to request that (international airline company A) finally send your bag. 

Step 9: fly from LAX to second location.

Step 10: wait 8 hours to get onto final flight.

Step 11: arrive at last leg, and report “bag did not arrive.”  The nice man behind the counter lets you know that it will take two weeks to get your bag. 

You misheard him.

He said two days.

You still need to go on an unplanned shopping trip when you get picked up.  

It might be nice to brush your teeth for the first time in 24 hours.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds about right. Did your orders come through more than two hours before you had to leave? Safe travels.
