Thursday, October 21, 2021

I Do Not Have Jet Lag

 Step 1: you are picked up at 0630 in the morning. You think, “I am totally fine. No jet lag.” I slept in the last 24 hours.

After checking in with the command, going shopping, you go home to shower, and take a nap. 

A: The internet password is wrong. Now you can’t reach anyone.

B: You can get the hot water to come out the spigot in the shower, but not make it come out of the top of the shower.

(Did I mention that you haven't had hot water in your apartment in three weeks, and was looking forward to deployment ... so you could have a hot shower...)

C: Your clothes are gross and need to be washed. You do not know how to switch on the power to the washing machine. 

No, you’re not tired at all. 

It’s only when the house cleaners come to do you find out the answers to A, B, and C. 

You are having a hard time stringing a full thought together, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO, you don’t have jet lag. 


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