Thursday, October 21, 2021

Promotion Selection

 Last year, I was passed over for promotion.

Only 28% were selected in zone (10 LTs), while the rest were above zone (26).

My stress levels have been quite high, as I waited once again, for a group of Line Officers to decide my future in the Navy.

I walked into the area-wide training, and during the training, a chaplain sent me a congratulatory message. I did not realize the results had come out.

I remember all the emotions I felt when I was passed over the first time. This time around, I was somewhere between stunned, and feeling vindicated.

I was glad that my work was seen as “worthy enough” for promotion.

But the lesson here is, that being picked up for promotion is like roulette.

Just glad I landed on the right spot this year.

Looking forward to September 1, 2022.

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