Thursday, February 16, 2012

NCSC - Day 10 Spontaneous Prayer

This morning a classmate of mine was sick and had to go to the hospital to get treatment.
With no hesitation, we came together to pray for his health. The prayer was honest, heartfelt and universal.

There is something really powerful about spontaneous prayer that we as Jews are scared to engage in. It's too "christian" for us and so we have given it up. Yet most Jews do not turn to the prayer book with it's Hebrew that holds no meaning for them.

Sadly, we need more spirituality and need to stop fearing how spontaneous English prayers are perceived. We need more prayer and more God in our lives. We should not fear stepping away from the prayer book with it's liturgical and scripted prayers and begin to take a page from our Christian counterparts.
Embrace the spiritual.
Embrace the spontaneous prayer.
Let God in.

For my classmate I offer this prayer tonight.

Heavenly father, tonight I pray that you watch over my classmate, Chaplain J. as he recovers from his injury. May you bring healing to him speedily through the guidance of the doctors and nurses in whose patient and caring hands you have placed him. And give strength to his family so they can be a support to him during this time of recovery. Amen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amen selah, to all of this! The spontaneous prayer admonition, praying in any language that feels comfortable, and to the prayer for your colleague. Refuah shlema to all of us!
